Welcome to a Different Kind of Women’s Fashion MagazinE

Introducing Amidst Life, a quarterly digital magazine that inspires women using something we all have to think about every day—fashion!

Our twist on the topic: to be a style hub that puts women above clothes. More than tell you what’s coming down the latest runways, more than tempt you to stretch your shopping budget, and much more than prompt a pattern of comparison with other women, we want to encourage you (and ourselves!). We hope to empower you, as you’re getting dressed, to start your days without doubt, confusion, shame or lies of any kind. 

Our goal is to encourage women of all ages, shapes and sizes to find our identities in Christ through fashion. In this magazine, that means being informative with ideas and tips that will give you the confidence of a stylist, having open conversations like good friends about fashion struggles, and not taking ourselves too seriously by laughing at our faux pas!

If you’ve wanted fashion to feel more uplifting, more real, more budget-conscious and way less materialistic, this is the magazine for you.



Kendall and Kaira have known each other since Kaira was born—yes, you read that right! But much more than from the two of us, the idea for this magazine is from Jesus, the one who gave us the vision for the publication and the one who is causing it to succeed!



Our second digital issue is full of very fun, exciting and helpful content—from an honest, encouraging talk about honoring our bodies to a sentimental first-person testimony of a 91-year-old’s favorite spring outfit to so much more!


our mission

amidst life is a style hub that puts women of all ages, shapes and sizes above clothes.